How To Make Cardboard Game AMONG US | No electronic components required | Anyone can make

Greetings, all! 🙂 Discover the exciting universe of the computer game AMONG US by creating your own Cardboard Game AMONG US, without having to use any electronic devices. With no electronic components required, anyone can easily make it at home.

This creative DIY cardboard project is a perfect way to bring the joy of playing games into your home, and it’s a perfect activity for people of all ages. 🙂

Our step-by-step tutorial takes you through each stage of the process of making Cardboard Game AMONG US, from designing and cutting the cardboard to assembling and decorating the game. So, let’s get started 🙂

Please scroll down for a step-by-step tutorial of how to make AMONG US game from cardboard

Cardboard Game Among Us


You will need the following materials:
  • porous two-layer cardboard
  • a sheet of white paper A4
  • sushi sticks
  • 2 toilet paper rolls
  • 4 plastic bottle caps (we used ones with a diameter of 4 cm)
  • 1 plastic bottle cap (any diameter less than 4 cm)
  • wooden sticks
  • double-sided duct tape
  • duct tape
  • stapler
  • tweezers
  • glue gun
  • rubber bands
  • pencil
  • alcohol markers (choose colors as desired)
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • pliers
STEP 1 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

Take a standard white A4 paper sheet

You will also need a toilet paper roll, a ruler, and a pencil

Measure the length of the toilet paper roll using the ruler

In our tutorial, we used a toilet paper roll that was 9.7 cm long

Using a ruler and a pencil, measure a distance of 9.7 cm from the top edge of the sheet on the right and left sides

Connect the marked points with a horizontal line using the ruler and pencil

Rotate the paper sheet by 180 degrees

Measure a distance of 9.7 cm from the top edge of the sheet on the right and left sides in the same way

Connect the marked points with a horizontal line using the ruler and pencil

Now you will need scissors

Cut the sheet along the drawn lines

Remove the narrow strip of paper

STEP 2 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

Attach two strips of paper that were just cut out together, using glue

This is shown in the picture below

Now you need to make a game board

For this, you will need alcohol markers, choose colors as desired

You can style it as you like or use our design option

Allow your imagination to run wild and don’t limit yourself

Flip the paper sheet over

Take a sheet of paper and cover the glued strips of paper with it

Now you need to attach the edges of the paper sheet together, using glue

This is shown in the picture below

So, the endless game board is ready

Make sure that the paper sheets are securely glued together

This is how it should look like

STEP 3 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

Cut a piece of cardboard to the specified dimensions

For ease of making the game box, use the dimensions shown in the pictures below

Bottom part of the game box

Top cover of the game box

Start folding the just cut piece of cardboard as shown in the pictures below

Fold it in the shape of a box

Now you will need a stapler

Staple the top folded corners of the box

The stapling locations are shown in the pictures below

Only staple the two specified corners of the box, leaving the other two unstapled

Try to staple the edges of the cardboard as securely as possible

We recommend stapling each corner with two staples for reliability

Staple the second corner in the same way

STEP 4 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

In this step, you will need another piece of cardboard, a pencil, and scissors

Take the piece of cardboard and draw two circles with a pencil that match the shape of the inner side of the toilet paper roll

Cut out the circles from the cardboard using scissors

Take the toilet paper roll and insert the just cut circles into it

Make sure that the circles fit properly and do not fall out of the toilet paper roll

Using scissors, make a hole in the center of each circle

Prepare two more circles of the same size

Cut them out of cardboard and make holes in them in the same way

We will need these circles in the future

They will be inserted into the toilet paper roll with two circles on each side

Now you will need cardboard again

Cut two cardboard strips about 2 cm wide from it

Using scissors, cut both strips into squares about 2 cm by 2 cm in size

Using scissors, make a hole in the center of each previously cut square

STEP 5 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

In this step, you will need sushi sticks

Each stick will be placed inside the toilet paper roll

Here’s how it will look like

Take two cardboard circles cut earlier and put them on the stick as shown in the picture below

Take the toilet paper roll and put it on the stick as shown in the picture below

Now, you need to put the previously cut cardboard squares on the stick

Start putting them on the tapered end of the stick

You need to prepare enough squares to fill all the internal space of the toilet paper roll

However, when putting the squares, make sure there is enough space left for the two remaining cardboard circles

After the squares are on the stick, close the open edge with two previously cut cardboard circles

Here’s how it should look like

Attention!! Make sure that the cardboard circles on the stick do not fall inside the toilet paper roll

If necessary, cut additional squares and add them to the ones already put inside the toilet paper roll

STEP 6 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

In this step, you will need to cut out a piece of cardboard with the required shape and size

The dimensions and shape are indicated in the picture below

Pay attention to the edges of the cardboard, they need to be folded along the dotted lines

This can be done using a ruler

The folded edges on the sides and top should move freely

This is necessary to secure this piece of cardboard in the body of the game

The necessary folding lines are shown in the picture below

Start folding the piece of cardboard as shown in the pictures below

Now you will need a stapler

Secure the shape of the folded cardboard piece with a stapler as shown in the figure below

We recommend using six staples to connect the edges

This is how it should look like

STEP 7 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

Take a pencil and draw a square on the newly folded piece of cardboard, as shown in the picture below

The required size of the square is 2 by 2 cm

Take scissors and cut out the square you just drew

This is how it should look like

Take the box prepared in “STEP 3” and make sure that only two corners are fastened with staples

If necessary, remove the staples so that two corners are not fastened

This is shown in the picture below

Without changing the position of the box, fold the two unstapled corners

Place the toilet paper roll inside the box closer to one of the unstapled corners

Insert the previously prepared piece of cardboard into the box

This is how it should look like

Take the second toilet paper roll

Place it inside the box as shown in the picture below

Take the prepared milk bottle cap

Make sure that the cap fits freely between the edge of the box and the previously inserted piece of cardboard

The distance between the edge of the box and the piece of cardboard should be 4.5 cm

Take a ruler and measure the diameter of the milk bottle cap

In our tutorial, we used a cap with a diameter of 4 cm

Cut out a piece of cardboard according to the dimensions shown in the picture below

Take a ruler and fold the piece of cardboard along the dotted lines shown on the previous picture

Cut out another piece of cardboard of the same size

Fold its edges in the same way as shown earlier

STEP 8 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

Insert the just cut cardboard pieces into the box as shown in the picture below

Take the bottle caps and use scissors to make a hole in the center of each, as shown in the picture below

Take the wooden stick with a tapered end and put the caps on it as shown in the picture below

This is how it should look like

Make sure that the stick with the caps fits freely between the pieces of cardboard that were previously inserted into the box

If everything is okay, staple the cardboard pieces to the box in the selected areas shown in the picture below

STEP 9 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

Take the wooden stick with the tapered end

Insert it into the cardboard at the designated place shown in the picture below, closer to the top of the piece of cardboard

Insert it through both pieces of cardboard as shown in the picture below

Now you will need the caps that were prepared earlier

Insert the stick with a tapered end into one of the holes in the cardboard and put on it a larger diameter cap, as shown in the picture below

Put the second cap, which has a smaller diameter, on the stick as shown in the picture below

Put the third cap, which has a larger diameter, on the stick as shown in the picture below

After all three caps are on the stick, insert the stick into the prepared hole in the second piece of cardboard

Spin the caps on the stick to ensure that they move freely

This is how it should look like

Explore the variety of CARDBOARD GAMES in our paper crafts collection 🙂

Take a toilet paper roll and place it into the box

Using a pencil, mark the center of the toilet paper roll onto a piece of cardboard

Mark the center of the toilet paper roll on the bottom of the box at the designated location, as shown in the picture below

Cardboard Game Among Us

Take the toilet paper roll and insert the cardboard circle prepared in “STEP 4” into it

Using a ruler, measure the distance from the edge of the toilet paper roll to the hole in the cardboard circle

In our tutorial, this distance is 2.25 cm

Cardboard Game Among Us

Place the box so that the bottom edge is facing up

Take a ruler and mark the measured distance of 2.25 cm on the bottom of the box

The mark should be made at the same level as the previous mark

Cardboard Game Among Us

Make sure both marks are at the same level

Cardboard Game Among Us

Use scissors to make a hole at the location of the last mark

Cardboard Game Among Us

Make a hole in the piece of cardboard inside the box at the same level as the hole just made

Cardboard Game Among Us

Make the same holes on the other side of the box, as shown in the image below

Cardboard Game Among Us

STEP 10 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

Take two sushi sticks and insert them into the holes made in the previous step

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Fold the top edge of the cardboard so that it touches the stick

Use a pencil to make a mark where the stick and cardboard meet

Cardboard Game Among Us

Do the same with the second stick

Cardboard Game Among Us

Make holes at the marked places on both sides using scissors

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Insert one of the sushi sticks into the prepared holes in the box

Cardboard Game Among Us

Take two cardboard circles previously cut out and put them on the stick

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Take a toilet paper roll and put it on the stick

Cardboard Game Among Us

Now you will need previously prepared cardboard squares with holes

They will serve as a sealant

Put the necessary number of squares on the stick so that the cardboard circles on both sides do not fall inside the toilet paper roll

Cardboard Game Among Us

We also recommend adding hot glue inside the toilet paper rolls to better connect all the squares and circles to the roll and to the stick

Cardboard Game Among Us

After filling all the free space inside the toilet paper roll with cardboard squares, put two cardboard circles on the stick

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Do the same with the second stick

Make sure the toilet paper rolls are securely attached and the sticks rotate freely

This is how it should look like

Cardboard Game Among Us

STEP 11 of how to make Cardboard Game AMONG US

Make a mark at the specified location using a ruler and a pencil

To do this, draw an imaginary line vertically down from where the white and blue caps touch each other

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Measure the width of the white cap using the ruler

In our case, it is 1 cm

Make a pencil mark, 1 cm away from the previous mark

This is how it should look like

Take a wooden stick and place it at the edge of the cardboard where the marks were made

Measure the thickness of the stick and mark it on the cardboard

Cut out the cardboard along the drawn lines using a paper knife or scissors

Place the wooden stick into the cut-out slot

Trim it to the desired length using pliers

Cardboard Game Among Us

Use duct tape to attach the stick to the cardboard

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Make sure the stick is securely attached to the cardboard

Cardboard Game Among Us

Take rubber bands and put them on the toilet paper roll

Cardboard Game Among Us

In our tutorial, we used six rubber bands – they will help to drive the paper with endless game field.

This is how it should look like

Cardboard Game Among Us

STEP 12 of how to make AMONG US Game from Cardboard

Put the game board onto the toilet paper rolls as shown in the picture below

Cardboard Game Among Us

This is how it should look like

Cardboard Game Among Us

Hold onto the bottom edges of the sticks and start rotating them

Make sure that the endless game board moves freely while rotating the sticks

Start folding the corners of the box as shown in the pictures below

Insert the tapered ends of the sushi sticks into the prepared holes in the cardboard

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Now, you will need duct tape

Stick two strips of duct tape together with the adhesive sides facing each other

Cut one strip of duct tape to a length of approximately 37cm

Place it on a flat surface with the adhesive side facing up and secure the edges with strips of duct tape

You may also like: How to make Cardboard Game Super Mario | No electronic components required | Anyone can make

Stick another strip of duct tape of the same length on top of it

Stick the two strips of duct tape together with the adhesive sides facing each other

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cut off the edges where the strip of duct tape was attached to the surface

As a result, you will have a clear strip without adhesive on both sides, making it easier to insert into the game box

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cut the newly made strip of duct tape in half along its length so that its width is 1cm

If you can find duct tape that is 1cm wide, you do not need to cut it

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

This is how it should look like

Cardboard Game Among Us

Insert one of the cut strips of duct tape between the white plastic cap and the edge of the box as shown in the picture below

Cardboard Game Among Us

Insert it into the slot cut in the cardboard

Use tweezers for ease, as shown in the picture below

Cardboard Game Among Us

Insert the end of the duct tape that you are holding in your right hand into the hole with the attached wooden stick, as shown in the picture below

Cardboard Game Among Us

Now, you will need double-sided duct tape

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cut 4 strips of double-sided duct tape to approximately 4cm each using scissors

Stick them onto the cardboard in the designated places shown in the picture below

Cardboard Game Among Us

Remove the protective paper layer from the double-sided duct tape

Cardboard Game Among Us

Rotate the box so that the edge with the double-sided duct tape is on top

Start folding the top edge of the box as shown in the pictures below

Insert the tapered ends of the sticks into the prepared holes

Cardboard Game Among Us

This is how it should look like

Cardboard Game Among Us

STEP 13 of how to make AMONG US Game from Cardboard

Join the ends of the duct tape strip inserted into the game box in the previous step

For reliability, secure the joint of the ends with a piece of wider duct tape

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

This is how it should look like

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cut out the figure of the main character of the AMONG US game from paper or cardboard

Cardboard Game Among Us

Now, you need to attach the cut-out figure to the duct tape strip

For this, you will need double-sided duct tape

Cut a small piece of double-sided duct tape and stick it in the indicated place

Cardboard Game Among Us

Remove the protective paper layer from the double-sided duct tape and stick the cut-out figure

This is how it should look like

Cardboard Game Among Us

Make sure the figure moves freely up and down

To do this, try to scroll the roller up

Cardboard Game Among Us

Now, try to scroll the roller down

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

STEP 14 of how to make AMONG US Game from Cardboard

Now it’s time to cover the box with the top part prepared earlier

The necessary shape and size of the top cover of the box were indicated in “STEP 3”

Cardboard Game Among Us

Note that you should not forget to cut slots in the top cover of the box for the sticks

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Now, you will need two milk bottle caps and a glue gun

Attach the caps to the bottom edges of the sushi sticks with a glue gun

These will be the handles used to rotate the endless game board

Apply glue to the first cap and stick it to the bottom edge of the sushi stick

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

You may also like other PARER CRAFTS from our collection 🙂

Attach the second cap to the other stick in the same way

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Playing this game is very simple: rotate one of the caps attached to the sushi sticks to drive the game board, and scroll the roller in the center to move the figure up or down

The AMONG US Game from Cardboard is now ready 🙂

Let’s start playing!

If you experienced difficulties with some steps, you can watch the video instruction of how to make an AMONG US game from cardboard

Please scroll down for the video tutorial 🙂

Cardboard Game Among Us

Cardboard Game Among Us

Creating an AMONG US game from cardboard is a great way to unleash your creativity and have fun, without the need for any electronic components.

With just a few simple materials and some creativity, you can create your own AMONG US game that is sure to impress your friends and family!

Overall, making this cardboard and paper craft is a fun, affordable, and rewarding DIY project that anyone can enjoy. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced crafter, it’s a great way to unleash your creativity and imagination and have a great time doing this cardboard and paper craft!

You can also watch a video tutorial of how to make an AMONG US game from cardboard:

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